De Beers Forevermark has introduced its Twogether Collection to mark the celebration of Raksha Bandhan, a festival traditionally centred on sibling bonds.
The new collection features diamond jewellery pieces designed to symbolise unity and togetherness, themes that resonate with the festival’s core values.
Twogether Collection: Key Highlights
The Twogether Collection offers a range of jewellery pieces that emphasise the connection between siblings through the use of responsibly sourced diamonds. The collection includes rings, pendants, and earrings, all designed to be both elegant and suitable for daily wear.
Each piece is crafted with natural diamonds, ensuring a commitment to ethical sourcing, a key focus for De Beers Forevermark. The company underscores that every diamond in the collection carries a unique inscription, certifying its quality and origin.
The Twogether Collection ring is described as embodying “elegance and togetherness,” while the pendants feature two natural diamonds embraced by a curved silhouette. Available in rose gold and pavé settings, these pendants are designed to serve as lasting reminders of sibling relationships.
The collection also includes earrings featuring Forevermark diamonds set between pavé arcs, with an emphasis on versatility and everyday wear.
Ethical Sourcing and Responsibly Sourced Diamonds
De Beers Forevermark continues to highlight its commitment to responsible sourcing through the Twogether Collection. The ethical credentials of its diamonds may appeal to jewellers who are witnessing a growing consumer demand for transparency and sustainability within the industry.
According to De Beers Forevermark, each diamond is inscribed with a unique identifier that verifies its ethical origins and exceptional quality. For jewellers, this transparency and focus on responsible sourcing can provide an additional selling point to customers increasingly interested in the sustainability of their purchases.
Implications for Jewellers
With the Twogether Collection, De Beers Forevermark taps into a specific cultural moment—Raksha Bandhan—offering jewellers an opportunity to cater to customers seeking meaningful, festival-related jewellery. As consumer preferences continue to shift towards ethical and responsibly sourced jewellery, collections like this could meet both emotional and ethical demands.
Jewellers may find the launch significant not only due to its cultural relevance but also because it highlights ongoing industry trends towards sustainability. The focus on responsibly sourced diamonds can help position jewellers to meet the expectations of an increasingly conscious consumer base.
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